Office Design 2021

Lockdown restrictions brought about by Covid-19 have resulted in many of us working from home over the last 6 to 9 months.  It is also looking increasingly likely that this scenario will be prevalent well into 2021.  The advantages to the Employee have been well documented, with many reporting improvements in health and well-being, enjoying increased opportunities for exercise, no commute, and an improved work life balance.  Studies have indicated that 88% of employees would prefer working from home at least 2 days per week. 

Whilst many Employers have had to embrace this new way of working, it is widely acknowledged that flexible working presents many challenges to Companies.  It is also unrealistic to assume that the Office Space is now dead.  Rather, it is perhaps more helpful to ask how can the Office Space change to meet the new post Covid-19 context and encourage employees to return.

It is well-established that traditional office designs cause more problems than solutions. Open-plan offices can be noisy, distracting and harmful to the health and wellbeing of employees. Countless studies have shown the interior design of most offices has a negative impact on creative thinking, productivity, job satisfaction, employee retention and work-related illnesses. Given this context it is hardly surprising that people are embracing working from home.  A move away from the traditional office layout has been slowly turning the tide for some time now, but how can new office design react to encourage employees to return to the workplace post Covid, whilst protecting the individual and organisation from the harmful effects of Covid-19 and future pandemics?

Agile workspace.jpg

Agile Working…………..

allowing people to choose their work setting to optimise their focus and enjoyment.

Agile Working is perhaps the answer.   Rather than forcing individuals to undertake all their work at one setting (usually a desk), agile working or Activity Based Working allows people to physically choose a work setting where it is most suitable for them to complete their task.  Agile Working design strategies empower staff to have the complete freedom and flexibility to work where they want, when they want.  Such spaces flow from intense, focused work environments to innovative impromptu meeting areas.  These spaces are naturally more flexible in occupancy, more dynamic, engaging and convivial.  The reduced occupancy of such spaces works well with Social Distancing guidelines and balances nicely with home working.  The result can be an enhanced collegiate space that staff look forward to interacting in.

The post Covid workspace should also enhance health and well being.  Improving office ventilation rates, both mechanical and natural, and providing access to outdoor space, are key strategies to ensure that the health and well being of staff is vastly improved in the workplace.  Various studies have shown that such environments radically reduce the number of enforced absences through illness as well as improving the cognitive performance of staff.  

Spectacular indoor outdoor space in Chicago

Spectacular indoor outdoor space in Chicago

Introducing increased contact with nature through Biophilic Design has also been shown to improve physical and mental well being through innovative planting, natural screens and access to natural light and the outdoors.  Strategies that the home worker often enjoys.  

Underpinning all of these innovative concepts is a move towards empowering the employee through design with greater choice in choosing the office environment that they feel most comfortable in at a particular time.  An environment that can be changed, modulated, and controlled by the individual to meet their particular needs at a particular time to execute their task efficiently, whilst enhancing their physical and mental well being.  With spaces such as this, the Office will not die, but rather can become a space to socialise and empower oneself to create meaningful outcomes for society.  These spaces will also better protect landlords, organisations and companies to deal with future disruptors such as pandemics and economic downturns.  

Employee choice, contact with nature, natural light….all attributes of the modern workplace in 2021

Employee choice, contact with nature, natural light….all attributes of the modern workplace in 2021

Through necessity, Covid-19 has required workspaces to change in the short term.  It has highlighted in the workforce that there are alternative ways of working.  As designers, contractors and clients, we should see this as an opportunity to realign and reassess how we work and where we work, to provide more engaging, inspiring, safe and robust office environments.  Spaces that people will want to work in.


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